Sounds of American History Impact Survey

Our TAH sponsored Sounds of American History workshop has two Summer institutes scheduled in the coming months and we have some great guest speakers lined up, as well as a number of field trips exploring historical sites and themes throughout the region.  Sounds is in its third and final year and, judging from teacher feedback as well as quantitative data, the workshop has been a great success.  Yesterday, we did a quick survey to gauge the program’s impact thus far on the teachers’ perceived skills and on their professional and collegial activities.  The results so far support what we’ve learned from observation as well as evaluation: Sounds teachers are taking the skills and information they gain in workshops applying them in the classroom, sharing them informally among their colleagues, and becoming training leaders in their departments, schools, and districts.

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Erin Bell (M.L.I.S.) is Project Coordinator and Technology Director at the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities at Cleveland State University and lead developer for Curatescape, a web and mobile app framework for publishing location-based humanities content. In addition to managing a variety of oral history, digital humanities and educational technology initiatives, he has spoken to audiences of librarians, scholars, and technologists on best practices in web development and publishing.