New Round of Cultural Gardens Interviews

On February 20th, the staff of the Center for Public History and Digital Humanities carried out the latest round of interviews with delegates from the Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation.

Lel Somogyi of the Hungarian Garden posted the full interview in which he participated.  It can be viewed at the Hungarian Cultural Garden website.

For more information about the Cleveland Cultural Gardens, including essays, photos, and oral history excerpts, visit CSU’s award-winning site at  And be sure to bookmark the page and return periodically for some new additions in the coming months.

Special thanks to all the garden delegates who have participated in this research over the years.

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Erin Bell (M.L.I.S.) is Project Coordinator and Technology Director at the Center for Public History + Digital Humanities at Cleveland State University and lead developer for Curatescape, a web and mobile app framework for publishing location-based humanities content. In addition to managing a variety of oral history, digital humanities and educational technology initiatives, he has spoken to audiences of librarians, scholars, and technologists on best practices in web development and publishing.